Depending upon the size of your business and complexity involved in your business, various content management systems such as Sitecore requires multiple workflows, tools and techniques for the devops management. The choice in the processes mainly depends on the scale and depth involved in your devops business projects. Deploying devops strategies on Microsoft azure makes it predominantly easy to convert your network, virtual machines, databases and many more from infrastructure into code, allowing you to enhance speed and deteriorate risk. The Sitecore experience platform (xp) is considered as one of the popular and sturdy content management system (CMS) used by different types of organizations. The digital experience software happens in multiple configurations depending on the businesses’ requirements.
The name devops is primarily considered a mixture of the concepts of development and operations. Devops is mainly used in it to define the roles or processes that connect different departments mainly development and operations teams in your business to attain a specific project management philosophy that contains more productivity in communications between development teams and other parts of a large business. From technical point of view, the major key points of devops are continuous integration and auto-deployment.
The development lifecycle in devops projects contain a number of multiple phases. The duration or length of each phase varies depending on the development methodology you use such as waterfall, agile etc. These phases also consists analysis, design, specification, planning, development, testing, deployment and many more. Relying on the complexity of a particular Sitecore implementation or general Sitecore governance model the requirement for automation of all or some of the processes in the application lifecycle phases can differ greatly. Let’s say, for example, the dissimilarities between a small in-house development team independently working merely and continuously on a single Sitecore implementation, a Sitecore implementation partner trying to continuously build and maintain various different Sitecore implementations with different implementation partners and design agencies working together. If we put this in other words, in some Sitecore governance models, it would be admissible to have documented and manually executed processes, where as in others it could be disastrous to be not allowed to repeat processes continuously. Thus, devops can be as much as a summon of identifying and arranging the important processes to automate as it involves the task of actually implementing the automation.
Sitecore developers create code solution based on Sitecore helix principle and habitat architecture approach. This is elementary to whole devops. Because Sitecore platform multitenancy approach results all client websites, applications and components formed within Sitecore developed in single code base. Therefore, the modular architecture is recommended by Sitecore as the best practice. It shifts away from the traditional 3 tiered architecture which is UI, business logic and data. It cracks the solution into smaller independent and manageable parts. Each module is free-standing with business logic, UI and tds Sitecore items. It can be built, packed and shipped independently without obstructing other modules causing massive regression test. The module should only be based upon modules that are more stable than it.
the developers need to create build definitions with branch change sets and transformations. This will evolve feature stages and environment settings during continue integration and continue deployment.
use tds Sitecore package deployer to automatically process Sitecore update packages.
The developer needs to enable “create package while developing” under project properties depending on the configuration profile.
Now create a folder “sitecorepackagedeployer” under “data”.
Next is to install Sitecore package deployer. Sitecore package deployer includes a scheduled task run by the Sitecore task agent. This task runs one per minute and looks for packages in the folder created above by the developer.
While using team foundation server (tfs) develop definition and release task, always make sure that the generated web code published to Sitecore “website” folder and update packages published to Sitecore “data\sitecorepackagedeployer” folder.
As sitecore has upgraded from version 8.x to version 9.x in the past years, the installation process has also completely changed and you will definitely need to install some additional pre-requisites. There is a long list of pre-requisites and sitecore developers often keep a checklist of software that they really require installing for a new instance of sitecore on their machine or on client’s system. There is also another optional way, which has been an important part of the installation script since sitecore 9.1 but is not widely or commonly used. This new alternative way of installation is known as the prerequisites.json file for installing pre-requisites.
While you are planning to install any sitecore verion 9.x locally, solr or azure search is mainly required to be installed and working rightly prior to installing sitecore. Commonly, a developer will have to download and install solr from a zip package, install it as windows services and also install its ssl certificate. If you are operating on a brand new machine then you will first need to install java sdk and setup its home path. After everything is done, just open this solr-singledeveloper.json file, update quick parameters like what version of solr you prefer, what port number you would like to associate it with and what should be the default install location and then simply run a sif command.
Finally, it’s time to install sitecore. Set all required variables in a hashtable to pass to sitecore powershell module. Import the sitecore powershell module. Call the sitecore installation command from the imported module and you are done!
You can anytime connect with our team at Biztechnosys for a discussion on the benefits of Sitecore devops on Microsoft azure, including the use of Microsoft azure and visual studio team services in order to – Automate the build-out of Sitecore environments, Automatize code and content deployment, Make use of azure resource manager templates, PowerShell, and vsts to provision Sitecore environments, Automatize Sitecore installations, Shift your Sitecore databases into azure SQL.
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