Our Client is a training solutions provider for technology domains on Big Data Hadoop, PMP, Analytics with R, Analytics with Python, Cloud Computing with AWS, Prince 2, ITIL, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and IoT. They offer training for professionals in both classroom and online delivery modes across the globe. They are a top player in the category of Tutorials in Bangalore. They are running the classes for Banking, CLat, Railways Exam, and SSC etc. People from various places in Bangalore are schooled from their Academy.
Established in the year 2008, Kovid Academy in Malleswaram, Bangalore is a top player in the category Tutorials in the Bangalore. The Kovid Academy is running the classes for Banking, CLat, Railways Exam, and SSC etc… People from various places in Bangalore are schooled from Kovid Academy. Due to big traffic in a business the Kovid Academy has decided to switch their database management from Paper to E-Document.
The Existing system had difficulty to maintain the weekly lecture management, Income expense management, follows up and enrollment management for the multiple branches. Due to this the system was maintained all work in excel sheet, which is really Unsafe data and also there will be no intimation to the faculty in automated way. Meanwhile, the kit management had no proper data management where the institute has the track.
BizTechnoSys comes with the solution of Kovid Academy, the challenges where they were getting to make a weekly planning, Income-Expense Management. The current system gives the solution to convert the enquirers into enrollment. The Business Development team has different track to maintain the sales. Day to Day Student and Employee Attendance has been fixed. The Kit Management, where the student’s book details and product management can do it for multiple branches.
The current system gives the solution to convert the enquirers into enrollment
The Business Development team has a different track to maintain the sales
Day to Day Student and Employee Attendance has been fixed
The Kit Management, where the student’s book details can do it for multiple branches.
the academy is able to maintain the day-to-day activity in a systematic way.
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