Our Client provides telecom services to companies, groups, political candidates and organizations of all kinds and they provide telecom services intended to facilitate better marketing and communication among companies. Their services include live Predictive Dialing, Voicemail Drop, Voice Broadcast, Bulk SMS (text messaging) plus automated surveys and polls, enabling consumers and companies to stay connected without any hassle.
The GlobalTmail provide telecom services to companies, groups, political candidates and organizations of all kinds. Their services include live Predictive Dialing, Voicemail Drop, Voice Broadcast, Bulk SMS (text messaging) plus automated surveys and polls. Automated campaigns can be set up that use one or all five of these powerful communication methods.
The GlobalTmail provide telecom services to companies, the challenge for their business is they were not able to keep the customer details with their service agreement and package details of their activated services. The existing system of the GlobalTmial was not able to list their service and make the quotation and invoice for the customers for different services.
When the GlobalTmail came up with BizTechnoSys. Their process become easier with the BizCRM for the telecom. Using the BizCRM GlobalTmail team able to store their complete customer details with their contract agreement and service package and details. The System made easy for storing the service(product) in the list and to create the quotation and the invoice for the customers.
With the new CRM, the client is able to store all their customer details with their contract agreement and service package and other details.
The new CRM has made it easy for the client in storing the product and service in the list and can able to create the quotation and the invoice in a timely manner
Enhances customer service support
Provides powerful marketing tools
Increases the customer satisfaction
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